Tourist News – 07/11/2001

In a letter to local newspapers the Senior Press Officer for Sustrans, Kevin Saunders, wrote…
Sir – I would like to take this opportunity to inform your readers of an exciting new facility on our website providing detailed maps of the National Cycle Network as well as a virtual online tour. It can be viewed on the internet at  The Networks offers many miles of cycle routes, much of which is along safe, peaceful, traffic-free paths. It offers attractive opportunities for families to enjoy the countryside and towns as well as alternative fume-free routes for commuters and young people traveling to school. By 2005 we will have completed 10,000 miles of the Network and over half the population will be within a couple of miles of access. The National Cycle Network is a Millennium Commission project supported by £43.5m of National Lottery Funds.

Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, has been able to provide this unique and informative facility with the generous Sponsorship of Halfords.

US Lammas Fair

Are you aware there was another Lammas Fair this year? In New Orleans, of all places. And they even tried making yellowman. With a little bit of dulse from home on the side. You see, 20 years ago lawyer May McGrath went home to New Orleans enthusing about the Ballycastle original and met up eventually with teachers Clare Neeson from Belfast, her Mexican husband Horatio Zavalza and their children Lara and Erin at the New Orleans School of Irish Dancing, of which May is director. And one thing led to another, with the new friends reminiscing about Ballycastle and the upshot was the first Lammas Fair USA-style in O’Flagherty’s pub in Toulouse Street in the French quarter of New Orleans last month.

Folk from Baton Rouge and Louisiana state joined in the singing and the barbeque and sampled the dulse and yellowman made by chef Kevin Marron. “It turned out dark and muddy like the Mississippi,” he admits, “because I used brown sugar.”

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