
Ballycastle has always been a popular spot for fishing, be it in-shore, deep sea, river or lough. Not so many years ago I myself spent endless days deep sea fishing on the Straits of Moyle. Rathlin Island is surrounded with numerous shipwrecks, the Loughgarry that lies in a hundred feet of water along the East side of the island has always been a sure thing for seven or eight pound Pollock for the average fisherman, that’s not to say that I haven’t seen a few 15 pounds pulled in over the side here. And if you’re adventurous enough deep sea chasms were I have landed a few twenty pounders. Go further to the Pinnacles and you’ll need a beast of a rod, reel and plenty of energy for the beasties awaiting. Fish also include Ling, Cod, Gurnard, Mackerel, Collies (Glashon), Herring, Conger, Skate, etc…

Deep Sea Fishing Trips

chris20sab3-093_lordmoyle_150-1709653Ballycastle Charters
Christopher P McCaughan Claymore House 6 Quay Road Ballycastle

BT54 6BH

turningw-2965122Ballycastle Charters
Tel: +44 (0)28 2076 2074

  Causeway Explorer William Verner

env010-8931211 Email

Tel: 0044 (0) 77 1211 5755

  Danny McAuley 17 Castle Street Ballycastle

Tel: +44(0) 28 2076 9521

(Colour Fish Finder, GPS, 30 Foot Semi-displacement hull 250 Turbo Diesel- Fairly shifts)
Trips from £10
3 or 6 hour trips;  Rathlin Island trips; Surveying Owns a tackle shop so can get almost anything you need!


About the author

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