Carrickarede Rope Bridge

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Open for most of the summer season (April to September) the Carrickarede rope bridge is not a trip for the faint hearted with an 80 foot downwards view of sand, sea and surf. As the waves roar below, the breeze surrounds you with a feeling of flight. Not to mention the astounding view of the surrounding coastline.
The bridge is slung up during the summer by commercial fishermen getting access to their nets.

Date Hours Days
13 March – 30 June 10:00 – 18:00 Every day including Sundays
1 July – 30 August 10:00 – 19:00 Every day including Sundays
1 September – 30 September 10:00 – 18:00 Every day including Sundays

Notes: Bridge open weather permitting.

Admission prices: Rope Bridge: £2, child £1, family £5.50 (2 adults & 2 children). Groups £1.50

Tea Room

Further Information
Tel: 028207 62178 / 028207 31159

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